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Expected School Wide Learning Results
College/Career Ready
1. Effective communicators
a. Read, write, and speak effectively and persuasively
b. Understand and follow instructions and ask for clarification when needed
c. Use technology to enhance communication
2. Responsible citizens
a. Demonstrate problem solving and conflict resolution skills
b. Demonstrate financial literacy skills
c. Understand government processes and civic literacy
d. Participate in community service events
e. Understand environmental conservation and preservation
3. Self initiated learners/inquirers
a. Produce quality work and build a strong work ethic
b. Ask relevant, higher level
c. Locate and use valid resources to make informed decisions
d. Set short and long term SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)
e. Research and explore postsecondary options
f. Practice self reflection
strategies and understand fixed vs. growth mindsets
4. 21st Century learners
a. Use technology:
● Responsibly and effectively
▪ Use search tools to locate needed information
▪ Distinguish between accurate and inaccurate sources
▪ Understand social networking and proper “netiquette”
● For academic and persuasive purposes
▪ Conduct research
▪ Cite sources
▪ Create presentations
▪ Become familiar with online tools and platforms, including email systems,
virtual classrooms, Turnitin, and Haiku
● For personal advancement
▪ Gather information about colleges and other postsecondary options
▪ Access community resources
▪ Apply for jobs and/or build a professional online identity
b. Develop social skills:
● Collaborate to achieve a common goal
● Build interviewing and professional networking skills
● Develop career adaptability and resiliency
● Understand global and cultural perspectives
5. Critical thinkers
a. Analyze and synthesize information from multiple sources
b. Identify and interpret rhetorical strategies


c. Evaluate details and draw conclusions

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